
L'accueil Béthanie est un gîte pour les pèlerins de St Jacques qui fonctionne en libre participation aux frais, au 34 avenue de Sauboires à EAUZE.


Pilgrim, you will find a donation-based Christian lodging in Eauze, where you may take shelter
no matter your belief or financial means.
You can reach Pauline and Marcel at 07-87-72-07-82

8 beds
Community meals, except for Sundays and the occasional day off
(There is also a fully equipped kitchen).
We take reservations up to a few days in advance of your arrival, from April to October
(From the end of October to the end of March we recommend that you call us ahead of time,
in case we are out of town).
Garden and chapel available.
Prayer offered every evening for those who wish to participate.
We are located at 34 avenue de Sauboires
(600m past the church, and near the pilgrimage route)



Béthanie? What a strange name !

 We have actually had one pilgrim named Bethany stay with us!

Here's what we say when pilgrims want to know where our namecame from: Béthanie is a Biblical term, and it appears multiple times to describe various locations both near and far from Jerusalem. One of these Béthanies is clearly identified as the village where Martha, Mary and Lazarus, all siblings and friends of Jesus, lived. Several passages from the gospels refer to it (references below).

What about the etymology of the term? Well, we found it could mean "the home of the fisherman" or "the home of the poor", but in the end, for us,  
Béthanie is really the home of friendship !

Gospel according to Luke 10, 38-42
Gospel according to John 11, 1-45
Gospel according to John 12, 1-8

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